G-Cloud framework information
...apply for G7. G-Cloud framework dates Two iterations of the G-Cloud framework are currently available on the Digital Marketplace, G-Cloud 5 (G5) and G-Cloud 6 (G6). When G5 ends in...
...apply for G7. G-Cloud framework dates Two iterations of the G-Cloud framework are currently available on the Digital Marketplace, G-Cloud 5 (G5) and G-Cloud 6 (G6). When G5 ends in...
The G-Cloud 5 (G5) framework will be available on the Digital Marketplace for another 6 months, in line with the terms of the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)....
As you hopefully now know, Digital Marketplace will replace CloudStore and be the new home for G-Cloud services. Digital Marketplace is reaching a stage which allows us to consider making...
G-Cloud 5 Go Live We've had an exceptional high number of applications to G-Cloud 5, as such the Intention of Award letters will now be 9 May and the go...
With less than a week to go until submissions close for G-Cloud 5, we want to give you a few tips so that you feel confident about your application. You...
Now that the OJEU notice for G-Cloud 5 has been published, we can confirm the timetable for this round of submissions. DATE ACTIVITY 25.2.14 Publication of the OJEU Contract Notice...
As of today, any previous G-Cloud suppliers will have been notified of G-Cloud 5 (G5) being open to new submissions of services. Over the next few days, it will go...
We want to remove the barriers to working with government which has, in the past, been associated with complicated and expensive procurement processes. As part of this, we've put together...