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G-Cloud 6: better for buyers

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G-Cloud is now in its 6th iteration and we’ve learnt a lot from what went before. We are writing to encourage as many G-Cloud 4 and G-Cloud 5 suppliers to submit their services to G-Cloud 6 before the deadline on 17 December.

Better for buyers and better for suppliers

All the questions and structure for the G-Cloud 6 submissions are based on user research with current and potential buyers. The questions are designed to help buyers understand what your service does and how it meets their requirements.

By focusing on the information buyers need to make purchase decisions, we can maximise opportunities for suppliers and make G-Cloud 6 the best iteration yet.

Better technology

The Digital Marketplace is built to be more flexible. It has better analytics. Usage can be tracked in more detail than before and it can be continuously improved based on what we learn and see. The structure of the data provided for G-Cloud 6 is going to make it easier to provide better filters and tags to help buyers find the right service for them.

Please help our continuous improvement of the Digital Marketplace, and make it a great experience for buyers. This is an opportunity to improve your service listing and bring all your G-Cloud services across to G-Cloud 6.

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  1. Comment by Andy Powell posted on

    > It has better analytics.

    Just out of interest, will you be able to share any of those analytics with suppliers and customers? Search terms, page views, etc.?

    • Replies to Andy Powell>

      Comment by Raphaelle Heaf posted on

      We will continue to open up information as we can and are looking into what a supplier dashboard could show to help suppliers improve their services.