Security update from G-Cloud
...longer need to get Pan Government Accreditation (PGA). G-Cloud will stop accepting submissions for PGA from 30th of July 2014. If you want your service to achieve Pan Government Accreditation,...
...longer need to get Pan Government Accreditation (PGA). G-Cloud will stop accepting submissions for PGA from 30th of July 2014. If you want your service to achieve Pan Government Accreditation,...
As you may know, since April 2014, the classification system in Government changed from 'Unclassified', 'Protect', 'Restricted', 'Confidential', 'Secret' and 'Top Secret' to just 'Official' 'Secret' and 'Top Secret'. A...
We've been regularly sharing our sales figures and know that our suppliers have grown from just being around London to being all over the UK (and the rest of the...
As part of helping buyers find relevant services on CloudStore here are a few tips that will help specify the service you are looking for. CloudStore focuses search on a...
G-Cloud 5 has now gone live in the CloudStore and again the number of suppliers and services has grown. This iteration sees 1132 suppliers, up again by over 10% from G-Cloud 4 applications, and 9236 new services added to the …
G-Cloud 5 is now live with 1132 suppliers. This brings the total number of suppliers on CloudStore to 1518 and over 17,000 services. 88% of these are SMEs. A list...
G-Cloud 5 Go Live We've had an exceptional high number of applications to G-Cloud 5, as such the Intention of Award letters will now be 9 May and the go...
Due to high demand from G-Cloud 3 and G-Cloud 4, the G-Cloud team was facing a backlog of Pan Government Accreditation applications and accreditation queries. The newly formed G-Cloud security...
G-Cloud is about more than sales; it is about transforming the way the public sector buys cloud-based services, and it is one of the frameworks supporting a wider business IT...
Here is a new G-Cloud Service Accreditation scope template document (Version 4) for suppliers who want to apply for Pan Government Accreditation. This document has been updated to include: the...