Security update from G-Cloud
...longer need to get Pan Government Accreditation (PGA). G-Cloud will stop accepting submissions for PGA from 30th of July 2014. If you want your service to achieve Pan Government Accreditation,...
...longer need to get Pan Government Accreditation (PGA). G-Cloud will stop accepting submissions for PGA from 30th of July 2014. If you want your service to achieve Pan Government Accreditation,...
As you may know, since April 2014, the classification system in Government changed from 'Unclassified', 'Protect', 'Restricted', 'Confidential', 'Secret' and 'Top Secret' to just 'Official' 'Secret' and 'Top Secret'. A... the first few services have achieved pan-government accreditation. As more services achieve accreditation status, we need to support competition in the marketplace. We must also ensure that our accreditation...